Dear friends and supporters,
I hope you are well and staying safe. These are unusual times, when we need to help one another more than ever, and remain focused on the matter at hand so that we can look forward to the future.
Here at WU, we’re responding to the current health crisis caused by the Coronavirus. We’ve already seen many events being cancelled and people’s lives being disrupted in so many ways. Sadly, we have now had to take the decision to cancel our Summer Excavation. Despite the decision to cancel, we will still be supporting our 2020 cohort of Veterans & Serving Military Personnel.
The people we have newly recruited for our 2020 Support Programme will have the opportunity to join our excavation in 2021. However, we feel there’s a great opportunity, both to keep them engaged and to reach out to the growing audiences for our work. Therefore, we will be launching an ambitious programme of content online and via social media.
Our priority at all times, is to make sure that our Veteran & Serving Military Personnel beneficiaries, our large group of volunteers and our staff remain safe and well.
We are a small charity, but at times like this, we believe every little counts. Working primarily online (delivering resources that include lectures, videos, and uplifting social media posts), we will tell the emerging story revealed by our dig at Waterloo and focus on current issues that include mental health, wellbeing, and social isolation. We will look to provide hope and direction and continue to build the WU community. You can find an outline of the exciting programme we are developing here. We will keep you posted as we make more and more material available.
In the meantime, we hope you are well, and we would like to thank all of you who continue to support and engage with our work.
Our office might be closed, but we are at work and available. So please ask us for help if you need it. Or just email or call to say hello. We will be only too glad to hear from you.
With best wishes from all of us at WU.
Yours ever,
Mark Evans,
Waterloo Uncovered.