Support Us
Without you, our work wouldn't be possible. Donations, however big or small, allow us to make amazing discoveries on the Waterloo battlefield while supporting veterans as they recover from the traumas of war. Read on to find out how you can support us - from giving as you shop, to leaving a gift in your will, to sponsorship opportunities.
To discuss fundraising activities and bespoke sponsorship packages, please contact
For individuals
For companies and organisations
More Ways to Give
Give by Post
You can also send us a cheque in the post if you prefer. Remember to include your name and address so that we know it’s from you. Make cheques payable to ‘Waterloo Uncovered’ and send them to us at:
Waterloo Uncovered 102 Parkway House Sheen Lane London SW14 8LS
Give by Text
You can quickly and easily donate via text message:
To donate £10, text WU2021 to 70191
To donate £5, text WU2021 to 70970
To donate £3, text WU2021 to 70331
* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see
Latest Fundraising News

Supporters’ Black Powder Experience

London to Paris Cycle Raises £47,000!

Day Six: Welcoming our Supporters

Reenact for Veterans

Waterloo Collection

Gibraltar Rock Relay Run

Belgian Embassy Staff Donate £10,000